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11 reasons stopping wealth managers from going digital …

  1. The client data in the back office is a mess

moneyinfo takes the data from your back-office system and overlays it with fresh, clean and up to date data from your platforms and providers. We then refresh the data every day for you and for your clients to access.

  1. Need to change the back office, CRM or platform first

This is a huge undertaking and doesn’t guarantee accurate data in the new system.  moneyinfo client portals work independently from back office solutions leaving you free to manage any switch ring-fenced from what your client sees. If you use multiple platforms, moneyinfo delivers a consistent experience for your clients under your brand.

  1. Clients do not want digital interaction

Research shows that 78%1 of investors want online access to their account information and wealthier individuals are seeking more digital interaction from their wealth managers2

  1. Past initiatives have failed to get adoption

Any technology runs the risk of not being adopted.  Focus on the problems your clients want you to solve, don’t just focus on solving your business problems.  Then let the moneyinfo adoption team help you communicate the benefits of your digital proposition.

  1. Management doesn’t understand the new digital landscape

Great businesses use tech to deliver excellent client service.  We can help you internally promote the benefits of a joined up digital strategy and the benefits it will deliver.  We are happy to be your intel inside.

  1. It’s another system to administer

moneyinfo allows you to outsource data feed management and ensure your clients are only ever looking at the most recent valuation, regardless of the data source.  We free up your team to focus on revenue generating tasks and reduce the time spent maintaining your back-office systems.

  1. It’s expensive to implement and ROI is not clear

moneyinfo can be deployed with low risk and low cost as a proof of concept without lengthy tie-ins. We work with each business to identify and quantify the costly processes that you can eradicate immediately. Examples include the cost of collating data, paper based reporting, printing, postage and time delays with manual communications. Client retention is also an easy metric to measure. Clients have no need to look elsewhere if they can access their entire financial life with your app!

  1. Fingers burnt with previous tech suppliers

Speak to other organisations we support.  We are proud of what we deliver. 

  1. Worried about security

Make it easier and safer for clients to see everything without the need to enter login credentials on multiple financial sites that are prone to interception.  We use bank level security, regularly tested by independent third parties. Out of interest, how much of your client data currently sits on online CRM systems and investment platforms?

  1. In the ‘too hard box’

Align yourself with a digital partner who makes it their full time job to create strong differentiated digital client experiences. Each moneyinfo implementation is deployed with your own corporate identity and can be tailored to your unique requirements.

  1. Simply not a priority

It will be too late making it a priority if your clients already use an app to view all of their finances in one place. Then all they’ll want from you is a data feed to feed the app they’re using.   At present no one is better placed to provide a unique digital financial experience to your clients than you … but beware this advantage won’t be there forever.



Have a one-to-one chat with our Business Development Team to see how we can make a digital strategy work for your business. Book here.