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Newsletter June 2021

Welcome to the June edition of the moneyinfo newsletter. Each month you get a summary of news from across our business letting you know what's new in the world of moneyinfo!

This month we take a look at:

  • User Forum - Webinar recording 
  • Upcoming webinars
  • NEW moneyinfo podcast - AdviserTech Unplugged
  • Adviser survey 
  • Praemium and moneyinfo integration 
  • moneyinfo support - The Top 5
  • Latest articles 

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User Forum - Webinar recording

Despite still being limited to virtual events, the moneyinfo User Forum was back in full force for 2021! 

Don't worry if you missed the live event - you can catch up on the whole event below:



00:00:00    Welcome and introductions

00:03:26   Guest Speaker – Tom Skinner, Barnaby Cecil

00:16:44  |  From lockdown, to life returning to “normal”

00:51:43  |  Coffee and Q&A

01:02:12   |  Power up your workflow and communications

01:24:26  |   What’s next for you and moneyinfo?

01:44:09  |   Q&A

01:54:12   |   Close

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Upcoming w ebinars: Setting up workflows

We always like to deliver functionality that makes your business safer, more secure and efficient.

If you were able to make our User Forum on the 24th June then you will have seen the powerful new workflow functionality available in the next release of moneyinfo, 10.0.

Join one of our upcoming training webinars in July where you will be walked through the new workflow functionality available, how to set up and customise your workflows, and how to access further training and support should you need an extra helping hand getting workflow set up for your business.

Wednesday 21st July 2021, 14:00


Wednesday 28th July 2021, 14:00


Catch up on all our latest client webinars by visiting the Communications Library or they will also be shared on our NEW LinkedIn User Group

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moneyinfo podcast: AdviserTech Unplugged

Welcome to moneyinfo's NEW podcast: AdviserTech Unplugged !

Podcast - Website Blog Divider

Our monthly podcast is designed to help address the challenges of the 21 st century adviser. Each month, we invite a special guest to talk to us about current topics affecting their area of expertise in the AdviserTech space.

Episode 1: Ovation Finance Ltd

In the first episode of AdviserTech Unplugged, moneyinfo's Lou Wallis speaks to Cheryl Frazer from Ovation Finance Ltd

Cheryl chats about their first year of using moneyinfo, discussing their implementation journey in-house and with clients, and how their processes and communication have been streamlined by fully utlising their branded portal and app. 

Listen here .

If you have any suggestions for future episodes or general feedback, get in touch with us by email at , or tweet us @moneyinfotech .

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Adviser Survey

Last month we contacted you and your advisers to ask for feedback, to help us understand how financial advisers are now engaging with technology.

The link to the survey is still open and we would be grateful if you could share this short survey with your advisers. 

moneyinfo Adviser Survey 2021

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Praemium and moneyinfo integration 

Praemium and moneyinfo are pleased to annouce that Praemium is now an integration partner with moneyinfo.

Newsletter June 2021 - Praemium moneyinfo integration Tessa Lee , Managing Director of moneyinfo, comments:

We run a scheduled overnight service to download the latest valuations and transactions on the Praemium platform which are then available to view in moneyinfo for both staff and clients.

The valuations build up a history which can be shown graphically with transactions highlighted on the timeline ."

Featured in  money marketing

Read the full article here .

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moneyinfo support - The Top 5

We investigated the most commonly submitted support queries and have listed the top 5 below with some info on how to solve them.

1. Why am I not getting a message notification?

You must remember to include all operators as a participant who wish to receive a notification in the message. You can also add them to an existing message. Message notifications depend on how your organisation is set up.

2. How to set up Teams messaging correctly?

If you are a member of a team that is set to receive notifications, you will see these and an unread count, you will also need a client to be in your team for you to receive notifications.

Please watch Webinar 9.2 in the Comms Library for further information.

Newsletter July 2021 - Support Top 5 - Picture1 Be sure to tick the option below to allow for Team receive notifications:

Newsletter July 2021 - Support Top 5 - Picture2

3. Logging in issues.

This is our most common query we come across; Client/Operator Password or Locked Out reset. Operators can reset their colleague’s password on MIM without having to raise a ticket with Support:

  • Select Orgainsation > Select Action against the Operator > Manage Password .

Operators can also reset client passwords against each individual account. However, by changing the notification settings on MIM Manager, you could have all your client password and locked out queries come directly to you.

If you do not have a specific E-mail address set up, please notify the Support Team, and we will set this up for you:

4. What happens when I accidently delete a client?

Do not panic if you accidently delete a client. Our initial delete is a soft delete.

The actual account will not fully delete for another 30 days, after which point, we will not be able to retrieve their data.  Before the 30 days has passed you can filter for deleted clients and use the ‘Restore’ action.

5. Why can I not see all the documents my client is putting onto the Portal?

It is likely your client has applied Privacy settings to their account. As an operator you are unable to turn off their Privacy Settings, however, if they have accidently done this and wish to change it, the following steps can be taken:

Navigate to the top right corner and select Me > Settings > My Privacy Settings .

Your client can then select who can view items they have added to their portal:

Newsletter July 2021 - Support Top 5 - Picture3 Please Note: these are default settings that will apply to any document or item a client adds but they can update on a item by item (or Document) basis.

If you have any other suggestions or would like any tips in any other areas, please do let us know: 

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Latest articles

Here's a summary of our latest news articles which you might find of interest: 

Who cares wins Who cares wins

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing is one of the most talked about subjects in the market. In 2004 the United Nations global compact published the whitepaper “who cares wins” and was the first to use the term 'ESG'.

A moneyinfo portal will dramatically reduce your carbon footprint, enhance your client experience, save you money and give you more time.

Who-are-moneyinfo V2

Who are moneyinfo?

If we have not already met, allow us to introduce ourselves properly - we are  moneyinfo.

We are an award-winning client portal and app supplier for financial planning, advisory and wealth management businesses. 

Charging-Bull-V3 1024 x 512 Website The new digital thundering herd

“Resistance to digital adoption has come from the financial advisory world rather than from the end user.”

April Rudin, Founder and CEO at The Rudin Group discusses research from US giant, Merrill Lynch in a podcast with Wealth Tech Today.

Is she really going with him

Is she really going out with him?  

Romance scams are on the increase and financial adviser clients, particularly those that are widowed, are especially vulnerable as they provide rich pickings for scammers.