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Newsletter May 2021

Welcome to the May edition of the moneyinfo newsletter. Each month you get a summary of news from across our business letting you know what's new in the world of moneyinfo!

This month we take a look at:

  • Upcoming events 
  • Webinar 23: What's new in moneyinfo 9.2?
  • Integration partners
  • Adviser survey 
  • Hubwise and moneyinfo integration 
  • Latest articles 

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Upcoming Events

AdviserTech LIVE! 2021:  A new adviser mindset 

AdviserTech LIVE 06

Digital can transform the way you do business, you’ve probably already taken many of the difficult steps with video conferencing, document sharing, and e-signatures. However, there are many more efficiencies to be gained through selecting market-leading technology partners.

Sign up for one of our upcoming events to learn how to select and implement the right technologies designed to meet the challenges of the 21st century adviser.

  • Tuesday 1st June, 10:00 - 11:30
  • Thursday 3rd June, 10:00 - 11:30
  • Wednesday 9th June, 14:30 - 16:00

Register  here .

User Forum 2021:   Power up your Workflow & Communications’ - 24th June 2021, 10:00 - 12:00

User Forum 2021 - Power Up V2

Communication has changed a lot over the last 12 months. Without the ability to meet clients and colleagues (or even friends and family!) face-to-face, the capability to communicate easily and more securely has never been more important. 

Now is the time to  " Power up your Workflow and Communications " !

With the success of last year's virtual event, the moneyinfo virtual User Forum is back again for 2021 -  24th June, 10am - 12pm

Register  here  .   

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Webinar 23: What's new in moneyinfo 9.2?

Come along to our webinar where you will be walked through the changes made in our new release of moneyinfo.

Wednesday 2nd June, 14:00 - 15:00 .

Register here .

The release brings a number of new features and enhancements with some significant updates to Messaging including:

  • A more focused view of conversations in your list of messages based on whether you are an Active participant.
  • If you are an active participant, you will receive unread indicators and email/push notifications for new messages.
  • New settings for Operators and Teams mean you can decide who in your organisation is notified when a client sends a new message.
  • There are new options in a conversation, and we have moved some existing controls.
  • Operators can assign conversations, to themselves or to other operators.
  • There are new filters for viewing different conversations.
  • We have implemented archiving for messages.
  • A new client dashboard pod for recent messages

In addition moneyinfo 9.2 also includes:

  • The ability for clients to edit items they’ve added, via the mobile App
  • Contact details pod can now display contact details for any Teams
  • The ability to bulk generate logins by Team
  • The ability for Company Admin Operators to delete conversations
  • The ability to allow clients to view / update personal contact details (with notification to the company)
  • A new client dashboard pod for recent messages
  • Automated delivery of reports from Hubwise
  • The ability to set the default page (by Service Group) for clients

Catch up on all our latest client webinars by visiting the Communications Library  or they will also be shared on our NEW LinkedIn User Group

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Integration Partners

We are continually adding new provider feeds to our list of supported partners, a list of which you can find here .

It's a good idea to check that you've got all possible feeds set up in moneyinfo when referencing the list above, if you're not sure where to go, please contact our Support team .

Do you use a back office?
If you do the chances are you've imported your client from your back office, but it is possible you've not linked all of the data feeds up.

We want to make sure the data we're using and you're presenting to your clients is accurate and the best we have available, so if you're reading this thinking: we should really be doing something about this - don't delay, get in touch.

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Adviser Survey

Last month we contacted you and your advisers to ask for feedback, to help us understand how financial advisers are now engaging with technology.

The link to the survey is still open and we would be grateful if you could share this short survey with your advisers. 

moneyinfo Adviser Survey 2021

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Hubwise and moneyinfo integration 

Hubwise and moneyinfo have announced a collaboration that automates delivery of Hubwise platform reports through the moneyinfo portal direct to advice firms’ clients. 

Tessa Lee , Managing Director of moneyinfo:

“Working together we can make life easier for advice firms and deliver a better client experience. This integration shows what’s possible when technology companies collaborate.”

Featured in FP Today and money marketing

Read the full article here .

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Latest articles

Here's a summary of our latest news articles which you might find of interest: 

Who-are-moneyinfo V2

Who are moneyinfo?

If we have not already met, allow us to introduce ourselves properly - we are  moneyinfo.

We are an award-winning client portal and app supplier for financial planning, advisory and wealth management businesses. 

Charging-Bull-V3 1024 x 512 Website The new digital thundering herd

“Resistance to digital adoption has come from the financial advisory world rather than from the end user.”

April Rudin, Founder and CEO at The Rudin Group discusses research from US giant, Merrill Lynch in a podcast with Wealth Tech Today.

Is she really going with him

Is she really going out with him?  

Romance scams are on the increase and financial adviser clients, particularly those that are widowed, are especially vulnerable as they provide rich pickings for scammers.

Leaving the back office

Leaving the back office

Your business starts with your client and it is essential that you can communicate with your client as efficiently as possible. This means providing technology to your client so that they can be part of the conversation.