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Is the data in your back office system putting a client portal into the too hard box?

Technology is changing how we interact, digest information and make decisions. Clients increasingly expect to have instant access to their own information and interact with their service providers via their mobile phones, tablets and laptops.

However, there are always obstacles making it difficult for you to meet your clients’ expectations, one of the main ones is that for many adviser firms they are worried about putting the data that’s in their back office systems online for clients.

For many adviser firms this stops the implementation of a client portal dead in its tracks. Not having the clients’ information updated and accurate means your business is being held back and this will eventually result in you losing business to your competitors.

moneyinfo can solve this for you but you may need to take a deep breath and present your clients with the facts in order that you can overcome the problem for good. In our experience, clients are pleased to help you get the data straight in order to provide them with a better picture of their finances. moneyinfo can take data from your back office and overlay it with accurate data direct from an ever increasing list of product providers and platforms. This provides you with accurate and up to date information for you to put in front of your clients.

Making this information available to your clients is the key step in validating your data.

Many adviser firms will communicate this to their clients face to face and introduce the portal during a review meeting, helping the client to login for the first time and going through some of the key benefits that the client can gain by using the portal.

Biting the bullet and setting your business free from the shackles of your back-office system’s data is a key step in revolutionising your business.

If you are considering implementing a client portal, click here to register for one of our regular webinars, or alternatively book a 15 minute 1-2-1 chat with our Business Development Director Sim Sangha here.