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Newsletter January 2022

Welcome to the January edition of the moneyinfo newsletter. Each month you get a summary of news from across our business letting you know what's new in the world of moneyinfo!

This months hot topics listed below. Please click the links to jump straight to the content!:

  • Moneyinfo Factfind project update
  • Biometric project launch
  • New podcast episodes
  • Did you know?
  • Latest article

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 moneyinfo Factfind project updates 

The moneyinfo Factfind is progressing at pace.

A BIG thanks to the Factfind Forum members who have participated in 3 sessions that have really helped clarify our thinking for both functionality and design.

3 key areas are driving the Factfind and how we build it.

  • Choice
    This was unanimous feedback. We know you’re all different, have your own USPs and that no two advisory firms are the same. The Factfind has been designed to ensure that Firms can define what goes in and what stays out. We’ll provide some ‘off the shelf’ versions, but the Factfind will use configurable templates that are defined by you.   
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  • Data

    Another unanimous request was to utilise any data that exists in moneyinfo to populate the Factfind and to always allow soft facts to be captured at any point by the client or the operator.

    We’ve listened and will populate the Factfind with any data held in moneyinfo. In every section there is a notes page that will track with the user on the page so that the all-important soft facts can be captured and will always be held against that Factfind section. It goes without saying that it will save as you go.

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  • Exceptional user experience

As always with moneyinfo, the user experience is front and centre. The UI is clean and uncluttered and, being mobile first, it’s as easy to use on a phone or tablet as it is on desktop.

This user experience will not just apply to the client portal but will be the same in moneyinfo manager. We think it looks great, is easy to use and we think you will too.

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We hope this short update has whet your appetite for what will be an exciting Q1 release, and we look forward to working with you to make the moneyinfo Factfind an integral part of your Firms process.

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Biometric project launch 

Biometric access

We already make things easy for clients with pin number access tied to their mobile phone to ensure a secure and easy one-handed login but the latest release makes this even easier and more secure with biometric access for both face and finger print recognition dependent on your clients’ smartphone capability.

In-app scanning

Need your client to send you some paperwork, they can now take a photo of it on their phone prompted by your branded app. This can save you tons of time as part of your onboarding process. Document requests can be included as part of your workflow journeys so you can request information from your client as you need it to automate your everyday processes.

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New podcast episodes

Our podcast is designed to help address the challenges of the 21st century adviser. In each episode, we invite a special guest to talk to us about current topics affecting their area of expertise in the AdviserTech space.

Episode 13: Helping firms move to a 9 day working fortnight 

In the next episode of AdviserTech Unplugged, moneyinfo's Lou Wallis speaks with Susan Lafferty, Operations Director at Lomond Wealth about what appealed to them most when they decided to partner with moneyinfo. Susan explains how our implementation process works, and how their clients have very successfully adapted with the transition from email to in-app communications. Susan also discusses what is next in store for Lomond Wealth, she mentions that they are pushing towards getting back to face-to-face interaction with their clients which had been previously restricted due to COVID rules, and details about their decision to have a 9 day fortnight and why they have chosen to do so.

Episode 12: GIRL POWER! Meet the ladies that make moneyinfo great

moneyinfo's Tessa Lee & Lou Wallis chat to the ladies that work in the business about what it's like to work in a fast-paced fintech firm. Learn about what motivates us to work hard to deliver an exceptional client experience, alongside our industry leading client portal technology.

Discover how different career paths have led members of our team to join moneyinfo from a range of backgrounds, what their average day can look like, and what they love most about being part of the moneyinfo crew!

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Did you know?

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" You learn something new every day "...or at least you can every month with our new "Did you know" feature! 

Each month we will include the functionality of your moneyinfo client portal that you might not be aware of! 

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Latest articles

Here's a summary of our latest news articles which you might find of interest: 


How technology is enhancing the advice journey

Jason Betteridge explores the use of technology in the adviser market and says while automation has a part to play, the benefit of technology shines through as it supports and enhances the traditional advice model.



With the latest release of moneyinfo our clients’ branded apps are being updated to include
biometric access and in-app scanning.

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