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iPhone – the teenage years

Last week, the iPhone turned 13.

Steve Jobs introduces the iPhone in 2007:

"Today, we're introducing three revolutionary products:

  • The first one is a widescreen iPod with touch controls.
  • The second is a revolutionary mobile phone.
  • The third is a breakthrough Internet communications device.

But these are not three separate devices. This is one device. And we are calling it iPhone.

Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone."

The iPhone is a great example of how a new way of doing something better quickly replaces the existing technology which we thought we were comfortable with. 

Great technologies harness components that already exist and combine them to make everyday activities better.

3_-_Not_all_client_portals_are_created_the_sameDisruptive technology isn’t new but the speed of change is increasing and well executed examples of disruption such as Amazon, Facebook, Airbnb and Uber change our lives and we can’t go back.

Not all client portals are created the same...

What has this got to do with your client portal? Well there are some clear parallels with what we’re trying to do at moneyinfo. There are separate components of our system that are individually industry leading:

  • Account aggregation across a client’s wealth, banking, finance, pensions & property.
  • Secure client communications with messaging, document sharing and e-signatures.
  • Fully automated reporting and content distribution.

As with the iPhone … the power of these individual functions combined is much more powerful than the sum of the parts.

Delivered via a branded mobile experience for both the client AND the adviser, you have something that’s a gamechanger.

Just as Apple reinvented the phone 13 years ago, we are reinventing the client experience for over 130 adviser firms and their clients across the UK, right now.

Using moneyinfo, your clients can:

  • Access their net-worth via a single login.
  • Scan and store important paperwork alongside the things it relates to.
  • Chat and share documents with their adviser via encrypted messaging.
  • Receive, sign and return documentation in minutes.
  • Track when renewals, maturities and income is due.

Helping them achieve financial peace of mind all via an app under your firm's brand.

AAA NEW TEMPLATE Image ICE FOLDERIt's your app that's with your clients in the moments that matter.

In Case of Emergency

moneyinfo will make your business more efficient by providing these benefits:

  • Deliver advice remotely more effectively using your own branded app.
  • Obtain a comprehensive view of your clients’ entire net worth, helping you to increase AUM.
  • Communicate securely with your clients and adhere to GDPR regulations by removing email and post from your advice process.
  • Securely send and receive signed documentation in minutes not weeks.
  • Improve your environmental credibility and reduced office expenditure by removing paper and postage.
  • Fully automate your reporting.

Don't just take our word for it:

35% reduction in office expenditure thanks to moving from paper and email to secure digital communication through bfp moneyinfo ...

To find out what moneyinfo can do for your business, please give me a call.

03303 600 300

Oliver Jenkins

Head of Marketing

moneyinfo limited

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