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Five days in five minutes...

Managing Director, Tessa Lee, presents at the Owen James WealthTech Matters event in June 2021, about how wealth managers can secure their communications, deliver a better client experience, and ensure their messaging is being heard.

Quarterly reports to send out, piles of paperwork to be dealt with, review appointments to book, letters of authority to get signed, new clients to on-board, application forms to send out, valuation requests, client enquiries to respond to, portfolios to review, compliance reports to complete, emails to deal with….

Does this all sound familiar?

These are just some of the tasks an adviser and their team have to deal with during a typical week.

Administrative tasks that leave less time for the most important element of any advice firm - conversations with your clients.

From quarterly reporting to client reviews, in five minutes Tessa Lee, managing director at moneyinfo, will show you an easier way to do the things you do every day so you get more time to spend with your clients: 

Day 1: Getting this month's review packs sent 

Day 2: Client meetings to book

Day 3: Rebalancing portfolios  

Day 4: Is this client email phishy or not? 

Day 5: Compliance check stress 

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